MSC Cruises

Introducing MSC Cruises

Founded in 1987, MSC Cruises is a family-run, subsidiary, of the Mediterranean Shipping Company. Having grown over 800% over the last nine years, they are one of the fast growing cruise operators in the entire world. With a current fleet of 12 resort ships, split in to three distinct classes, sailing the ocean, they’re also one of the largest. The company pride themselves on their distinctive Italian style and heritage, and offer a high level of comfort.

MSC offer some of the world’s most stylish ships, and welcome the entire family onboard. From lavish crystal-filled atriums, to classically styled cigar rooms, oaken fittings to contemporary lightings, it is hard to ignore the elegant interior stylings of the MSC ships.

Onboard, passengers will be treated to a decidedly Italian experience, from food to entertainment options, the company’s heritage is reflected in almost every aspect of life on the ships.

The MSC Cruises experience embodies the elegant side of the Mediterranean to create unique and unforgettable emotions for guests, through discovery of the world’s cultures, beauties and tastes. MSC Cruises translates its passion for the sea into a commitment to excellence in hospitality, professionalism, dedication and mastery of every single detail to ensure the complete happiness and satisfaction of each and every guest.

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